Their Mission:We are committed to starting God-centered churches and ministries that are Bible based. If God is not glorified through our ministries, we have failed, no matter how much outward success we may enjoy.Every ministry of our church must be rooted in God’s Word. The Bible is inerrant, infallible, and God-breathed, and therefore, must be the final authority for everything our church believes and does. We believe that the preaching and teaching of God’s Word is the catalyst for change in people’s lives, and therefore, holds the highest priority.We are committed to exalting Jesus Christ.In every ministry, we will endeavor to exalt Jesus Christ and His marvelous work of redemption through His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection. We desire for others to see Jesus in us, while at church and in our daily lives. Our ministry will not be people or program driven, but driven by an all-consuming passion to exalt our Lord, Jesus Christ.We are committed to evangelizing the lost.We are not here to simply exists for ourselves. We exist for others. We look beyond the walls of our church to serve and minister to non-Christians, demonstrating to them the love of Christ. Because of this, we must seek to connect with the world around us. While our mission and our message never change, we will constantly look for methods, and open doors in order to reach more people with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. We have several evangelistic outreaches here in Peru such as bus routes, visitation programs, public school outreaches, Bibles and blankets to homeless ministry, benevolence outreach, village meetings, military and police outreaches, abandoned and orphaned children’s ministry, and hosting missions groups(where we give away tens of thousands of Bibles and tracts yearly). We do not believe it is the lost’s responsibility to seek the church, but our responsibility to seek the lost.We are committed to equipping and discipling believers in their faith.Believers should be learning, growing, and changing as Christ lives His life through them. We believe that every Christian should be growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Our churches assist Christians in this process by offering Bible preaching and teaching, Programs and classes for all ages, Bible studies, discipleship classes, counseling, mentoring, retreats, and free conferences. We are constantly exploring new methods to better equip believers in their spiritual walk with Christ.