Filipino National Pastors Project

A Ministry of Somerville Baptist Church

We all have a limited amount of resources and time. We all want to be effective and efficient with our mission investments. The Filipino National Pastors Project can help you be both! FNPP is a direct ministry of Somerville Baptist Church in Somerville, Alabama. FNPP is a team effort, and God has uniquely positioned these men, for this time.Missionary Joe Moral – himself a Filipino national pastor – will oversee this ministry in the Philippines. Through the church he pastors in Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Bro. Moral will be responsible for the training of the prospective pastors and have the oversight as they get started. These national pastors will then be supported on a 3-year descending scale as they start their churches and get a solid nucleus of members to work with. After the initial 3 years, the financial support will typically end, allowing these new churches to “fly on their own” with the church members responsible for supporting their own pastor. The raising of the finances needed to support these pastors will come from churches like yours and will go directly to these pastors through Somerville Baptist Church.