About Their Ministry:My name is Don Rich. My wife, Carla, and I have 2 children. Our son’s name is Shawn and our daughter Christa. My family and I have lived in the state of Georgia most of our lives. I was ordained as a deacon in 1991. I surrendered to the call to preach in 1996 at my home church, Calvary Baptist in Powder Springs, GA. where Bro. Snyder Turner is my pastor, mentor, and friend. I graduated from Liberty Bible Institute in Lynchburg, VA with a Graduate of Theology (Thg) in pastoral studies in 1999. I was ordained as a minister in January, 2002.After making a missions trip to Peru in June 2000, God put a burning desire in my heart to return with my family to serve as full-time missionaries. The Lord opened the door in August 2001 when we were approved by Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) to serve as missionaries in the country of Peru, South America. We began our deputation in October, 2001.We arrived in Peru on July 15, 2003, after only 21 months on deputation. God truly blessed our time on deputation by allowing us to see souls saved and lives changed through our ministry.Our ministry here in Peru is to evangelize, establish churches, train teachers and workers in the church, train men of God to continue the work once it is self-supporting, and establish other ministries in South America as God directs.Our first 20 months were spent in language and cultural training and assisting another missionary in an outlying area of the capital city of Lima.April 15, 2005, we moved to CAJAMARCA, Peru to start our own works. The city is about a 14 hour drive north of Lima in the Andes Mountains. On August 14 of the same year we had our first services in our first church plant in the neighbouring city of Baños del Inca. Since that time, God has blessed us with several ministries that you can see here on our website. We have seen many souls saved and many lives changed because of the glorious Gospel. We continue to serve here in Peru with a vision that God has placed in our hearts.