
"Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." I Corinthians 12:27

Church Membership Defined

Attending a service and having your name on a list in some filing cabinet in the church office.... Isn’t that exciting? Hardly. Biblical church membership is a whole lot more than that – God wants to use you to further His kingdom! Membership includes making a commitment to be a part of the body of Christ in a local assembly of believers. This means that whatever the body is doing, the different parts are all working together to accomplish it.

OHBC - A Body of Believers

The word "member" means body part (1 Corinthians 12:27). When the various members of a body come together, all the members must be functioning together in the ways they were designed to function for the body to be whole and functional. The body needs its members and the members need their body. How well would your body function without your right arm? How well would your right arm function without your body? This is the picture God gives us to understand the local church and our roles in it (1 Corinthians 12).

Discover Membership Class

The Discover Membership Class is offered several times a year and thoroughly reviews what it means to be a biblical church member. Participants learn what OHBC is all about and discover opportunities to get equipped, edified and engaged.